With the AW17 theme of celebrating indigenous people of the world, the latest maharishi capsule looks to the Vietnamese Hill Tribes of the late 1960’s.
The capsule is a nod to Francis Ford Coppola’s legendary ‘Apocalypse Now’, which popularised the Vietnamese hill tribes. The film sees Dennis Hopper’s character - the ’Photojournalist’ - manically disappearing into the mountains, where he finds the iconic hill tribe embroidered shirt. This inspired the maharishi Hill Tribe Shirt, which is constructed from organic canyon hemp.
Quilted military liners are upcycled for both the maha World Tour Poncho and maha World Tour Jacket. The variety of vintage military surplus results in a number of different woodland camouflage variants - and therefore each item is unique. They are finished with handworked World Tour map embroideries on both the front and back.
Traditionally U.S. Army GI's would return home with a Vietnam map embroidery, however this has been replaced with Gall-Peters projection of the world map. Gall-Peters projection has recently been added to educational curriculum as a more accurate portrayal of the world - no longer manipulated by the authors of the map, Europe and North America, to make themselves seem larger and more dominant than Africa and South America.