The term ‘MILTYPE’ was coined to represent maharishi’s interpretation of the graphic language and typography commonly employed by militaries; often used to assign codes and specifications to items of clothing and equipment.
maharishi has adopted this language - SS19’s variant has been deconstructed, partially abstracted and “shattered” - inspired by the works of Picasso, Bauhaus and Mondrian, and a nod to cubism, one of the most highly influential art movements in the development of military camouflage.
SS19’s Shattered MILTYPE is available on a Flight Nylon Utility Vest, plus a number of organic cotton styles - including a lightweight Shooter Shirt and Waffle Knit Crew Sweat.
Releases 11AM GMT 01/03 in-store London and online, 11AM EST 01/03 in-store New York. Exclusively available at maharishi.